Here we are at the end of 2021. Although I remain in Bendigo physically, mentally I am still in Sri Lanka. There is much Tara Lanka action to rejoice in — in both places.
I continue my work in Sri Lanka most days into the night via phone and internet talking to my team of workers, practitioners, and suffering girls.
Tikiri Tennakoon my trusted compadre on the ground there helps with everything that needs doing. Circumstances have forced many hats onto this shaved head. Read below how I became a remover of black magic harm and other surprising stories that made 2021 challenging.

One of the great advances (for me) this year has been the gifting of a second-hand Toyota RAV4, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous benefactor who, along with the urging of Doc, made it possible.
It has given me freedom to travel to doctors, physio (yes age is showing up) and other essential travel from this remote location. It is a 14 km drive to Bendigo for food, 86 km to the Daylesford school, and 164 km to Melbourne. And it’s about the same distance to get back to my cabin from there.
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Expanded stories are just a red click away under the following headings:
As I look back on 2021 and all that I simply cannot write down in this report, I see the stories from the hell realms and know that the need for dharma is overwhelming. And so a heartfelt thanks to every one of you wonderful people who support me and my work.
I could do nothing without you so I am hoping you see your support is fruitful. Maree Fowler, Doc Wight, Oi Loon Lee, Christine Bohle, Lorraine Kibbis, Sally Dudgeon, Rosalie Giffoniello, Steph Mcgrane, Darrah Long, Lucy Bresich, Elvira Kurti, Ching Soo, Hal and Sue Young, Andrea Wardle, Annie Mcghee, Ven Damcho, Jaala Freeman, and my Kandy landlady, and everyone who has wrinkled their brow in solidarity with my work — thank you for making a difference to lives here and in Sri Lanka, and for being there for me in so many different ways.
My sincere wish is that I will be able to carry on this work for Rinpoche throughout 2022 — and I’m hoping you will continue to support me and my effort to strike the mental and physical balance that is needed for sustaining the work.