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Lam Rim events

Donations :

Will you please help? Donations are needed to cover costs for renting the premises, material costs, Zoom charges and refreshments costs.

Following discussions with Maniyo from Australia, Tara Lanka Group arranged Lamrim teaching sessions in Colombo.

We started with basic teachings such as an introduction to the Bodhisatva path. Attendees are mostly coming from a Theravada background so it was necessary to explain the details and benefits of the bodhisattva path. The history of early Sri Lankan kings and their relationships with the bodhisattva ideal has faded over time and was worth considering.

Sessions are held at the Samagi Meditation Center and Maniyo teaches via Zoom. It has also been important to introduce the purification practices (as part of the preliminary practices) to the group as the majority of members are new.

Lamrim Session 8 Oct 2023

The teachings commenced with purification practices and apart from lamrim teachings Ven. Lekdron started Shantideva’s Bodhisatva’s Way of Life. The session was held both physically and virtually via zoom. The sessions will continue monthly via zoom.

14 July 2023

Samagi Meditation Center, Hokandara

Teachings were delivered in person by Maniyo.

Lamrim teachings continued with an introduction to purification practices like prostrations, water bowl offerings and mandala offerings. Maniyo explained the lamrim prayers and the importance of correct motivation and dedications.

11 April 2023

Samagi Meditation Center, Hokandara

Teachings were delivered via zoom. Tara Lanka members attended both physically and online.

Lamrim teachings continued with an introduction to the teachings of emptiness in the Heart Sutra and the Dependent Origination.

22 March 2023

Samagi Meditation Center, Hokandara

Teachings were delivered via zoom. Tara Lanka members attended both physically and online.

Ven. Lekdron gave an introduction to the Lamrim. Also the practice of 35 Buddha prostrations was introduced and performed in Sinhalese.

19 February 2023

Samagi Meditation Center, Hokandara

Teachings were delivered via zoom. Tara Lanka members attended both physically and online. Today was a continuation to the Introduction to the Bodhisattva Path and purification practices.

13 January 2023

Samagi Meditation Center, Hokandara

Teachings were delivered via zoom. Tara Lanka members attended both physically and online.

The first ever Lamrim teachings were commenced by Ven. Tenzin Lekdron today. She gave an introduction to the Bodhisdatva path.